This is a Test…

I’ve embarked on a little experiment in clay. I’m using a process called sgrafitto. These are hollow, hand-built clay pieces. I’ve never worked in real clay before. I usually make my 3D stuff using epoxy clay and sculpt a detailed form on top of an armature.

The clay is dark brown underneath (black when fired), and there is a white under-glaze (essentially a liquid clay) applied to the surface. Then with various tools, the white clay is scratched away to reveal the dark clay. It’s sort of like cutting a linoleum block.

I’m not sure how I feel about these. They are so different from what I’ve been doing and I’m sure if I keep at it, they will improve as I make more. I feel like I have the clay skills of a six-year old.

I’m lucky that my good friend, Derek Weisberg, who is a talented sculptor, has allowed me work in his clay studio and who will be kind enough to fire these bad boys for me. I hope to get a couple more done after these as well and, who knows, I might continue in real clay going forward.

3 Responses to “This is a Test…”

  1. 1 josh March 19, 2010 at 2:24 am

    These are great John, can’t wait to see them once they pop out of the kiln. 🙂

  2. 2 Sarah March 19, 2010 at 8:48 am

    I love these! Way to take your technique into a new medium.

  3. 3 Jim Kaufmann March 19, 2010 at 9:13 am

    They look good to me, too, and I don’t know why being like a 6 yr old is a bad thing. Most fun I’ve ever had (my miles) in a classroom was running the art club at my daughter’s school. it was all first and second graders and the art they came up with was just great. And so will these be!

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